Weight Loss Hypnosis


Change your relationship with food for life by upgrading your mindset with hypnotherapy to help you achieve your best shape and size forever. 

Quick, impactful and long-lasting methods to achieve a healthy and sustainable approach to weight control.

Hack your subconscious brain and easily control your weight forever.


Achieve your ideal shape and size, effortlessly and easily. 


Hypnosis is a state of mind where you enter into a trance that focuses your attention and increases your capacity to respond to suggestions.

Numerous studies have now been carried out on the effectiveness of hypnosis to understand how the mind works. More and more people have found that hypnosis is not only a remedy for many complaints, but that it was working where other treatments had failed. Today, people are using clinical hypnosis for a variety of issues that have not been resolved by other treatment options. This includes poor body image, eating disorders, smoking, drinking alcohol, chronic pain, substance abuse issues, and weight loss.

With hypnotherapy for weight loss treatment, the approach presents ideas or suggestions to the unconscious mind that may be causing you to experience unhealthy eating habits. This can support physical efforts already being made to improve nutrition, calorie count and increase exercise.

While you are under clinical hypnosis, you can get to the root of those issues and begin to find the proper way to deal with them. All the while, we will be establishing positive lifestyle habits and creating a healthy diet that will help you keep the weight off once it has been lost and restore your good health.

What Is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a highly focused mental state or trance that is similar to deep relaxation. Patients appear as if they are in a trance. In reality, they are in a highly suggestive relaxed state in which they are able to hyper-focus on a particular task or goal. While they are in this sleep-like state, hypnotherapists gently make suggestions on things they can do to reach a specific goal.

Clinical hypnosis has been proven to be successful for individuals who are trying to lose weight. The results will vary from person to person with no two individuals experiencing hypnosis in the same way. Hypnotherapy for weight loss is a valuable tool that can be included with other treatment options and healthy lifestyle habits that will make it possible for a person to begin to move past the mental and physical obstacles they may face on their weight loss journey. Hypnotherapy offers the ability to provide suggestions that may be useful in removing common obstacles we all sometimes face when we start to make improvements to our health and general well-being.

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

When people struggle to lose more weight, they must sometimes go into their thought processes and find out what caused them to gain the weight in the first place. Was it a physical malady? Was there a reason behind their lack of activity? Were they depressed or sad? What life event occurred altered their thinking and caused them to stop caring about themselves on a personal level that would prevent them from losing weight?

In clinical hypnotherapy, we will work together to address many of these issues. We will give you an opportunity to establish healthier lifestyle habits as well as retrain your mind to follow a more positive and productive path when it comes to significant weight loss and improving your overall physical health. We are here to help you find positive solutions to negative issues that are preventing you from maintaining the health and well-being you deserve.

Weight-loss hypnosis is a powerful tool but is not mind control using a pocket watch as is sometimes presented in stage hypnosis! It is a state of inner absorption where the patient responds to suggestions.


How Can Hypnosis Help Me Lose Weight?

Hypnosis uses the power of hypnotic suggestions to override the negative thought processes that prevent you from achieving your weight loss goals. Many of us have associations with food and drink that are based on negative thought patterns. One of these associations is that food provides comfort when we are upset or depressed. As soon as something becomes upsetting to us or we find ourselves depressed, we immediately turn to food to make us feel better.

Hypnotherapy for weight loss disrupts that connection on a subconscious level. Hypnotic suggestions are made to direct your actions away from relying on food for comfort. A suggestion may be made for you to take a walk or stretch whenever you begin to feel depressed or upset. Hypnosis is also used to reinforce positive behaviours such as eating healthier foods instead of binge eating junk food, fried foods and other snacking favourites.


Does Weight Loss Hypnosis Actually Work?

The results of a study that appeared in the Journal of Integrative Medicine in 2021, titled “Hypnotherapy for overweight and extremely obese patients: A narrative view” goes into detail about the effectiveness of hypnotherapy and the fact that it safely helps patients overcome specific mental and emotional triggers that result in weight gain. It also discusses the association of eating disorders to mental health conditions like depression and suicidal thoughts.

Another study found on APA PsycNet, “The effectiveness of hypnosis as an intervention for obesity: A meta-analytic review”, also reveals that the use of hypnosis is able to provide sustainable results for individuals who had struggled to lose weight using other means. Although the results of the study proved short-term results, it is believed that with continued use and more research, long-term benefits would be produced that would support the current findings.


Benefits of Weight Loss Hypnosis

Hypnosis offers many benefits for patients who have struggled to lose weight using conventional means. Healthy diets and exercise may be effective for some, but if mental or emotional triggers are the true cause of the weight gain, the results won't last. Addressing the underlying issues is the only way to break the cycle that results in eating as a support mechanism.

The benefits of clinical hypnosis are extensive. They include the following:

  • Addresses subconscious issues – Hypnosis allows for suggestions that disconnect mental and emotional triggers like depression, panic, and anxiety from eating or relying on food for comfort. Many people have subconscious attachments to food that they did not know existed. By understanding this attachment and why it is there, you will be able to address the problem and begin to make positive changes.

  • Works where other treatments have failed – Hypnosis works where other treatment options fail because it goes directly to the root of the problem. Unlike diets and exercise that control the body and cause weight loss, hypnosis addresses the mind/body connection. The body is a functioning machine of sorts. You can perform actions and obtain the desired result, but if you don't reprogram the operating system (the brain), the results won't last and within a few months you will be back where you started from. In some cases, the situation may be worse.

  • Safe & Non-invasive – Hypnosis is safe for anyone who may attempt to use it. There are no harsh medications or surgical procedures. There are no physical, mental, or emotional side effects that will have long-term effects on a person's health and overall well-being. You will not be exposed to any harmful medications or strict diet plans. You can discontinue weight loss treatment at any time if you begin to feel as if it is not working or isn't what you expected.

  • Proven effectiveness – The studies that have been performed indicate that hypnosis can be effective for losing weight and maintaining the final results for an extended period of time. Each patient will provide results that are indicative of their mental/physical health and individual lifestyle patterns and habits.

  • Blends well with other healthy lifestyle habits – Hypnosis is quite beneficial because it blends easily with other healthy lifestyle habits. It can also be safely used with other medical treatments without hampering or altering how these treatments are intended to work. Because hypnosis works through the power of suggestion, there is no physiological function to be disrupted or altered.

  • Offers long-term effects – While most studies indicate proven short-term results, it is believed that the results of hypnosis will provide long-term results as well. Repeated sessions may be needed to continue to support the initial suggestions that were provided in the first few hypnotherapy treatments.

  • No ties to fad diets – Fad diets have proven time and again that they do not offer consistent results for every person who uses them. While they may work for some, they will not work for all. When they do work, the results are often short-term and not as substantial as claims that have been made about the diet and how it works. Hypnosis has no ties to any fad diets of any kind. Instead, it promotes healthy eating habits and encourages long-term lifestyle healthy diets and positive changes that help to maintain your weight loss efforts.

  • Builds healthy habits – Hypnosis is one treatment option that does not require the use of medications or medical procedures to elicit the desired response. Instead, hypnosis provides mental suggestions that an individual can use to build long-term, healthy lifestyle habits that, once in place, can help the person maintain a healthy and realistic weight.

What Happens During a Weight Loss Hypnosis Therapy Session?

During a weight-loss hypnosis therapy session, several things will take place. The first consultation will provide the information we need to create the appropriate suggestions for that individual client. Every patient will be different in how the suggestions are worded and the path we will take in introducing them.

Once the patient is comfortable and is in a trance-like state, we will begin to clear the path that the suggestion will follow as it begins to present itself. While they are relaxed, we will begin to introduce suggestions that will allow the patient an opportunity to begin the process of moving past any mental or emotional trigger that has kept them trapped within their own bodies.

While they are in this subconscious state, we will be able to identify circumstances that may prevent the patient from losing weight effectively and keeping it off. The suggestions that we introduce will be able to address those triggers and negate their effect on how the patient reacts or responds to food. Suggestions will also be introduced that allow for the establishment of healthy eating habits and positive lifestyle changes. The more these suggestions are followed, the longer the effects of clinical hypnosis will last and the more significant weight loss will be.

From start to finish, a hypnotherapy session can last from 45 minutes to an hour. This will vary from patient to patient, depending on how easy it is to get them into the appropriate hypnotic state of deep relaxation. Some patients may go under easily while it takes others several minutes to reach the desired state of relaxation. The same is true for bringing patients out of a hypnotic state.


Case Study/Testimonial

Nat T – Initial goal: Lose weight and improve general mental and physical health and well-being

Before: Mood swings, unproductive habits, no self-confidence

After: Stabilized mood, improved disposition, a clear increase in confidence, weight loss of 5+ pounds

Statement: “For years, I've been stuck in patterns of lacking confidence, unhappy, with terrible mood swings and bad habits that I have wanted to change. After being on a big journey and recognising some parts of my mindset that needed changing, I decided to try hypnosis to help with these issues. This was the first time that I tried hypnosis, thought about it but never actually do it.... I was blown away by how things started to change without me even having to think over them...”

How to Find a Weight Loss Hypnotherapist? 

Choosing to use hypnotherapy for weight loss can help you overcome the mental and emotional obstacles that prevent you from taking control of your weight. You don't want to choose just anyone to perform hypnosis. There are many ways to find the right experienced hypnotherapist for you. Looking through a directory that lists the hypnotherapists in your area is a good place to start. You can also Google the information putting in any specific requirements you may have.

You may also visit Slim-Thinking.com and talk to me directly. My name is Sam Collins and I have almost 20 years of experience coaching my clients and helping them achieve their goals. As an experienced hypnotherapist, I can help my clients regain control of their health and improve their chances of living a long, happy, and healthy life. Hypnosis, combined with my coaching programs, are effective tools that I can use to help my clients get back on track and stay there.


Online vs In-person Weight Loss Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy options include online and in-person sessions. We are able to gauge responses by the body language of the patient. We can pick up on subtle clues while the patient is under hypnosis that will help us fine-tune the suggestions we offer so they are better tailored to their individual needs.

Online hypnotherapy sessions are similar to in-person sessions in that the process is basically the same. Online sessions are much more convenient, however, and will allow the patient to meet with us from almost any location. You will be able to be put into a relaxed state and receive the subconscious suggestions you need. Once the suggestions have been offered and you have been brought out of their trance-like state, the session will end and you will go about their business until your next scheduled hypnotherapy appointment.

What Is Slim Thinking?

Slim Thinking is an innovative and proven hypnosis therapy program developed by Sam Collins to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Slim Thinking has developed a weight loss therapy plan that is applied through hypnosis based on insight from licensed clinical hypnotherapists with years of experience. We can use hypnosis to remove obstacles and create positive lifestyle habits that will allow you to lose weight safely and effectively. As your therapy progresses, you will begin to notice subtle changes that will lead to powerful, long-term results.

With our proven techniques, Slim Thinking can develop suggestions that will help you work your way through whatever mental and emotional roadblocks stand in your way when it comes to losing weight in a healthy manner. We understand that every patient is different and it may take several sessions to begin to see the results you are looking for. In some ways, it may be like an onion, stripping away years of thinking where you have programmed yourself to believe negative thoughts. Reversing these thoughts and ideas is the first step in bringing about positive change. With the Slim Thinking program, we can help you begin the process of achieving your weight loss goals.



Get In Touch

Learn more about Slim Thinking's unique approach to hypnosis weight loss. Our years of experience in both coaching and as licensed clinical hypnotherapists give us the ability to find the best possible way to guide you along your weight loss journey. Whenever you are ready to get started, just let us know and we can set up your first appointment!

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